Monday, October 30, 2006

May Department Store on Wilshire LACMA now

Not the best shot, but here is the May Department Store on Wilshire. They currently have a large constuction project going on. This buidling is owned by LACMA. I saw the Van Gogh exhibit here a few years ago. It was fab. They took out the parking garage to the east and are putting in underground parking. They are also going to build a building above ground. They took the street out between LACMA and this buiding.

Denny's Windmill in Arcadia

Why a windmill? There is no wind to speak of in Southern California. Is it to grind the flour used in the pancakes? Denny's

Restaurant in Santa Monica by the Pier

Never eaten there. They have a good view of the ocean and the pier. On the foot of the pier on the south side.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

On Santa Monica in West LA going eastbound

Lovely Old Building with Rug sign in West LA in the heart of gaydom right before the Russian Section.

Hog is Beverly Hills on Beverly Drive Southbound

I just ran into Eva Longoria in Beverly Hills, soon after I took this picture of this hog. I had some business at the Latin American Masters Art Gallery on Beverly Drive. Eva was further north by the parking garage where I parked my truck. She was on the street and the papparazzi where there snapping away. I smiled at Eva as I walked past. She smiled back. I gave the paparazzi a mean look. She is very short about 5 feet. She did not have her makeup on. She was in flats and a blue dress. I felt compassion for her. The press does not need to cover every moment of Eva. Let's let people just live. Keep up the good work Eva. You are a trooper.

Hancock Park Garbage Cans

on Rosmore on east side north of 6th Street. I like the way they were evenly spaced.

Friday, October 20, 2006

More Getty

It is always spring up there, like Mt. Olympus.

Thursday, October 19, 2006


The Getty is the best place to have a romantic date. The gardens, the beer, the art, the hilltop....just perfect. I am not unpset that Mr Getty had to return some Italian Art, which was sold to him by brokers. The Italian goverment claims it was looted. Well, so it goes. I don't fault Getty. I think he has redeemed himself by his 1 billion dollar musuem offered to the public for free. Sure any art collector will buy things from anyone who has them for sell. This is part of the game of collecting. How much art was looted during WWII? Plenty. His stuff he bought was from antiquity. Who owns that? I love the views from up there.

Griffith Park

Mr. Griffith was an asshole to his wife, whom he shot in the eye. It was something to to with religious intolerance but he did do right by donating his land to the city of Los Angeles. There are 88 miles of trails at Griffith Park. We hike there a few times a week. We enter the Los Feliz side and hike to the top.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Loft Palm Trees in Hancock Park

I feel that Hancock park is more interesting that Beverly Hills. The homes are more majestic. Larchmont is
just great.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Fancy LA House

Pop quiz: Do you know where this house is?


Here are some nicer shots of the gritty downtown. I used to work in the Gaslight Building on 5th across from the library. I took the redline for 4 years when I worked for an upstart Internet software company. The company did not make it. Don't tell my brother that.

Los Angeles

Los Angeles

I do love the the creative aspect of the city-the desire to impress, the weather. the hippness of it all.

Monday, October 16, 2006

This is the Getty and free to go to, you just pay for parking

Hi, I live in LA. I love taking pictures of LA. I live in Koreatown in a rent controlled apartment.